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Food Service Distribution Safety & Barcoding

food service distribution barcoding
Timmy Thermal TMHow can track and trace help in food safety?
by Timmy Thermal

As the world trade becomes more globalized and competitive pressures increase for faster production with more customization and reduced levels of defects and improved safety standards, quality management of track and trace within food service distribution industry is critical.labels food service distribution

Food safety is paramount. Traceability of food products through the supply chain from producer on down through to the retailer. Being able to quickly trace, track, identify and be accountable throughout the food supply chain is critical for the industry and for consumer’s health and well-being and food safety. The food industry is continuing to require to, through increased public health and government mandated regulation and also stakeholder demands, continue to enhance and expand their ability for full product accountability of their processes. Finished goods must match specifications and all origins of ingredients or component materials tracked. Products, regardless of the packaging (ie. carton, crate, pallet or clamshell) need to be identified, recalled or returned with accuracy and ease.

With food processing, there is a vast network of manufacturers who touch a single ingredient that goes into the manufacture of the final product from the plant in the field to the packaged item on the market shelf and beyond. The trail involved in this process is large and to keep this all complied and tracked is extensive and a tedious task. Then multiply this by each manufacturing process. In order to be able to be accountable and be able to respond to product recalls, safety standards, etc. efficiently and effectively, everyone in the food service distribution chain has a vested interest and must work together to implement and deliver track and trace processes and protocols.thermal label printer food service

Benefits of Track & Trace Products:

  • provides better quality and manufacturing controls over products and for just in time supply chain management
  • minimize costly rework due to process or material non-complianc
  • reduces less risk
  • improved consumer safety and customer satisfaction levels
  • enable cost-efficient regulatory compliance and allows for meeting industry labeling standards and continuous improvement
  • enhances vendor/supplier accountability
  • reduces costly paper and manual trace and track processes

For further information on food service distribution track and trace products, including labels and thermal label printers, and for all your printer and barcode labeling equipment options, call us as (800) 643-2664 and immediately talk to one of our friendly representatives; or chat us up on Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and LinkedIn!

Keep all your food service distribution track and trace barcoding equipment running! Download our FREE eBooks now. (see below)

Barcode Scanner Ebook
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Thermal Maintenance eBook
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