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How To Improve Patient Visibility and Healthcare Efficiency?

Improve Patient Healthcare Visibility

Barry BarcodePatient safety is the most important healthcare concern, how can visibility improve it?
by Barry Barcode

In the healthcare industry and looking to further optimize efficiencies and improve visibility within your operations? Zebra Technologies’ MC40-HC, a handheld computer specially designed for healthcare use, might be an option to consider.

The all-touch MC40-HC utilizes Android operating system, plus includes an additional layer of security with the built-in Mobility Extensions (Mx), providing patient confidentiality and safety. As well, it scans both 1D and 2D barcodes with a high rate of accuracy to ensure that all medical and non-medical staff have access to the information they need, when they need it and can quickly gain access to that live data, for high efficiency and a high degree of patient service.
zebra mc40-hc
Additional Key Benefits/Features:

  • Large 4.3 inch touch-only screen
  • Long battery life and Smart battery technology – Zebra PowerPrecision batteries track and maintain metrics to provide more meaningful battery stats
  • FIPS 140-2 Certified for providing safe and secure patient data
  • Equipped with a 2D barcode scanner
  • Rugged durability and Disinfectant-ready to handle constant wear and tear and sanitization
  • Able to run multiple apps at the same time, unlike other consumer smartphones, or run programs that condense hospital communications
  • Workforce Connect PTT Express client is pre-installed providing users with instant connection with other staff carrying PTT Express-enabled Zebra mobile computers, 2-way radios and other smartphones, turning any MC40-HC into a mobile deskphone with robust PBX functionality

For more information on the Zebra MC40-HC Mobile Computer and to learn more about your options for all your printer, labeling and barcode printing and scanning needs, call us at (800) 643-2664 and immediately talk to one of our friendly representatives; or chat us up on Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and LinkedIn!

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