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July 20,2013-MIDCOM Picnic A Success

MIDCOM breaks their working cycle to enjoy a relaxing picnic with their families and fellow colleagues.

My fellow colleagues at MIDCOM decided to take a break from the world of printer repair just recently and hold a company picnic for the main office in Michigan. With the sun shining high and clouds being scarce, the day couldn’t have been any better for a picnic in the park filled with good food and a ton of activities.

The staff provided a wide selection of delicious dishes creating a small feast of which was shared over introductions and light-hearted conversation. The day was filled with a variety of actives including a volleyball game, which is always fun to watch; Frisbee, a classic but incredible entertaining pastime for picnics; a bag toss competition; along with a couple very friendly card games.

Overall the picnic was a success with all, but a couple of the office members, attending it with their families. However, I know what you’re thinking, what does any of this happen to do with printer repair? Well it doesn’t. It has to do with life. If all you do is work all day every day, then you will go crazy. What better time to take a break and enjoy some summer fun with your co-workers and families. For all work and no play makes Jack a very dull boy.

Wait I almost forgot! During the picnic they held a little contest for the kids (and some bored or willing adults) to see who could do the best coloring of yours truly, Peter Printer. They were all so phenomenal that we couldn’t just pick one.

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