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Keeping Up With The Speed Of Logistics

How To Keep Up With The Speed Of Logistics Supply Chain Challenges?

Timmy Thermal Safety GearHow can a company keep up with the speed of today’s logistics supply chain challenges?
by Timmy Thermal

Providing a high degree of customer service and providing efficient and effective service throughout the process is paramount in the logistics and supply chain industry. It is a very visible and demanding industry, ensuring information about the status of the product is collected and accessible from the sale through delivery and every step in between throughout the supply chain.

To improve the accuracy, efficiency, and reliability of your services, processes, and ability to meet your customers’ needs, as well as, your own productivity and profitability, track/trace solutions including barcoding and RFID technologies are effective and proven technologies to help meet your logistics needs.

SATO provides an extensive range of thermal barcode printers and RFID solutions allowing for increased security and traceability and improved productivity levels.

It is very important for all stakeholders in the logistics supply chain to work together to effectively develop track/trace accountability to provide integrity and process controls within their systems. But, like with any complex supply chain system, effectively keeping track of all this data and paperwork is a large undertaking.

Sato CL4NX

SATO barcode label solutions

The data included in tracking/tracing includes:

  • purchase order #s
  • container #s
  • bill of lading #s
  • customer info
  • item counts
  • weight
  • status
  • delivery date
  • freight charges

Not to mention, the delivered materials used to create the finished product, storing the inventory until picking, then packing, shipping and delivery of it to its destination.

Summary of Key Features and Benefits of an Automated Track/Trace Solution:

  • tracking import/export elements of raw materials
  • tracking and tracing products both internally and externally
  • documenting product history from manufacturing to the customer
  • providing a supported chain of custody for finished goods
  • accounting for materials received and tracing assembled products
  • effectively managing safety recalls and product returns
  • providing proactive and timely information to providers and customers, and a high level of customer service
  • lower paperwork and customer delivery status inquiries
  • decrease inventory management expenses including stock levels, errors and labor costs

For further information on SATO’s RFID track/trace systems and barcode labeling equipment options, call us as (800) 643-2664 and immediately talk to one of our friendly representatives; or chat us up on Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and LinkedIn!

Keep your barcode track and trace equipment running! Download our FREE maintenance ebooks below.

Barcode Scanner Ebook
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Thermal Maintenance eBook
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Reference: SATO Track/Trace Solutons for the Logistics Supply Chain

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