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How To Reduce Warehouse Worker Injuries

Top Five Ergonomic Tips To Prevent Warehouse Worker Injury Losses

The warehouse is full of hazards, such as heavy equipment, forklift trucks, machinery, and massive boxes stored overhead, that could lead to serious injuries. Injuries can lead to severe disruptions in workflow and worker compensation claims. Thus, management should take steps to prevent warehouse worker injuries.

Here are the tips to prevent warehouse injuries.

1. Safety Gear and Equipment

Instruct workers to wear safety equipment and gear at all times. All workers should wear helmets, safety shoes and helmets.

For more hazardous areas, you should mandate further equipment as required. Tell everyone that strict action will be taken in the event of noncompliance.

The equipment warehouse workers use can also help prevent worker injuries. Mobile workstations can greatly reduce the unnecessary walking through the warehouse. Less movement in the warehouse equals less chance of injury. Wearable barcode scanners can greatly reduce wrist injury or carpal tunnel from picking up and putting down traditional brick scanners.

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2. Beware of the Most Common Types of Warehouse Injuries

Incorrect lifting technique, forklift truck accidents, electric shocks and unsafe use of tools are some of the most common causes of warehouse worker injuries.

Warehouse personnel should be trained to use tools safely and lift loads the right way. Protocols should also be implemented to reduce the risk of injuries from forklift trucks and electrical equipment.

Forklift trucks are a particularly big risk. No doubt warehouse operations are impossible without this sort of machinery, but they also carry certain inherent risks.

Drivers often cannot see clearly in front due to big loads that these forklifts carry directly in their line of sight. One way to prevent injuries is to establish walkways and forklift lanes. Workers should use walkways instead of forklift lanes.

3. Comply with OSHA Guidelines

Make sure that all OSHA guidelines are in force at your warehouse. For example, adequate breaks will reduce fatigue and reduce the risk of accidents. Arrange fences around hazards so that workers stay safe. Make sure that there are adequate fire exits and workers know where they all are.

You should create a safety policy and attach copies at places everyone can easily see them. Make sure that all workers fully understand the safety policy and are following it.

Warehouse and logistics companies should also arrange regular training sessions so that workers can understand and follow safety standards.

For example, they should train workers about the correct lifting procedure that won’t result in back injuries or other problems. It is also necessary to teach workers the importance of safety equipment like goggles, helmets, gloves, safety shoes, etc.

4. Regular Safety Inspections

Assign safety responsibilities to supervisors and managers for inspections like checking electrical tools, inspecting equipment, inspecting forklift trucks and making sure that walkways are free of obstructions.

Teach workers to report anything that could be unsafe like faulty equipment or weakened structures. Have workers realize that their cooperation and vigilance is imperative for safety and that it is not the responsibility of management alone.

5. Safety Culture

Instill a strong safety culture in the organization. Encourage workers to make suggestions that can help improve safety and productivity. You should reward workers who make suggestions that make a difference.

By implementing the steps mentioned above, your warehouse will certainly benefit from a safer environment.

MIDCOM has been helping warehouses since 1982. Talk to one of our Specialists about products that can help reduce warehouse worker injuries today at (866) 445-1202.

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