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Zebra Technologies

Zebra Technologies Internet of Things

Timmy Thermal TMHow is Zebra Technologies working with the Internet of Things (IoT)?
by Timmy Thermal

Everyone and everything seems to be plugged in and connected more and more. We are surrounded with more and more devices embedded with smart technologies (which include barcodes, RFID, GPS and environmental sensors) allowing them to work together and for us to be able to locate people and assets, measure conditions and make adjustments remotely.

The benefits of these features offer are very convenient for consumers and businesses alike. They allow for increased operational and energy efficiencies, time savings, increased security and safety, as well as providing invaluable real-time data and metrics that provide better information from which to base critical decisions and further innovation. A study from Forrester Research found that 85% of respondents feel that smart interconnected devices provide the necessary visibility to drive more effective, timely business decisions and improve consumer interactions.zebra logo

However, with the vast amount of different devices come the challenges of managing them and having them connect and seamlessly work together. Protocols and firmware for each device is designed and optimized for that particular device and not always engineered to work with others and be integrated. Many are moving towards Wi-Fi or Bluetooth but that is still the minority of devices. No unified interconnection industrial standards exist yet for this. As well, each device has its own formats, update requirements, service and maintenance requirements adding to the complexity. Legacy machines also need to be upgraded with intermediate-edge boxes to become IoT and Cloud-compliant or face being replaced.

Effectively managing all this involves vast amounts of risk and costs to businesses. Most Information Technology (IT) departments do not have the resources to effectively handle complete IoT solutions. This is where Zebra Technologies Visible Value Chain can solve and provide solutions to these obstacles. With their extensive portfolio of technologies and domain expertise they can provide complete IoT-enabling solutions designed specifically for each market.

Benefits of IoT with Zebra support:

  • improved quality with prediction of failure feedback and analysis
  • standards-based integration platform and pre-built integrations
  • optimized lifecycle management
  • lower operational costs and reduced product testing costs
  • faster innovation abilities
  • critical data protection and comprehensive security frameworks for writing and managing applications, communication authentication, and access control
  • ability for rapid and seamless deployment

For more information on the IoT and Zebra Technologies’ solutions, Zebra printers or Zebra printer repair, call us as (800) 643-2664 and immediately talk to one of our friendly representatives; or chat us up on Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and LinkedIn!

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